Korda Flying Back Leads


  • Moves up line during cast
  • Pins it down in baited area
  • 5 inserts for braid
  • 5 per pack
SKU: KFB1P Category: Tag:


The Korda Flying Back Leads are a game-changing addition to your fishing gear, designed to improve your presentation and increase your chances of success. With their innovative design, these back leads move up the mainline during casting, then gently settle down to pin it around the baited area. This unique feature ensures that your rig remains inconspicuous and helps to minimize spooking the fish.
The pack includes five additional inserts, specially designed for use with braided mainline. These inserts enhance the versatility of the back leads, allowing you to use them effectively with different types of lines and adapt to various fishing situations.
The Korda Flying Back Leads are an invaluable asset when fishing in challenging environments or areas with heavy angling pressure. By keeping your mainline pinned down and out of sight, you create a more natural and enticing presentation, increasing the chances of tempting those wary carp into feeding confidently.
With five back leads included in each pack, you’ll have plenty to cover multiple rods or fishing setups. Their robust construction ensures they can withstand the rigors of regular use, providing you with a reliable and long-lasting solution for your fishing sessions.
Take your fishing to the next level with the Korda Flying Back Leads, and experience the difference they can make in your angling success. With their advanced design and additional inserts for braided mainline, these back leads give you the edge you need to outsmart even the most cautious carp. Elevate your presentation, increase your catch rate, and enjoy a more rewarding fishing experience with the Korda Flying Back Leads.

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3g, 5g

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