Preston Mag Store System


  • Weatherproof rubber seal
  • Dual id points
  • Impact resistant plastic
  • Stainless hinges
  • Strong magnets

Availability: In stock

SKU: P0220002 Category:


Introducing the Preston Mag Store System, a game-changing solution for anglers seeking effortless rig organization and quick access. This innovative system uses magnets to secure individual rig sticks, allowing you to seamlessly rearrange your rig order or incorporate new rig sticks without the hassle of searching for specific rigs in the heat of the moment.

The Mag Store System includes a 15cm Hooklength Box designed to accommodate up to 10 rig sticks. Encased in a durable and waterproof housing, this box features a rubber gasket for added protection. The rig sticks themselves are reinforced with fibreglass, ensuring they remain straight and undamaged, ensuring that your hooklengths are always ready for action in optimal condition.

Equipped with dual identification slots, an impact-resistant casing, and ribbed rig sticks for stability, the Mag Store System by Preston Innovations offers unparalleled durability for your hooklength storage needs. Its understated yet stylish design ensures it complements your angling setup on the bank.

Tailored for match angling, the Preston Mag Store System Hooklength Box perfectly combines form and functionality. Its impact-resistant design, easy rig identification, and weatherproof construction make it an essential companion for successful sessions across various venues.

If you prioritize easily identifiable and well-protected hooklengths and rigs, the Mag Store Hooklength Box is a must-have addition to your fishing gear. As an avid coarse and match angler, you’re constantly in search of high-performance, budget-friendly accessories that enhance your fishing experience. The Mag Store System’s hooklength case is exactly that accessory, contributing to your angling success by keeping your rigs in top-notch condition.

The revolutionary magnet rig stick identification system sets the Preston Mag Store System apart from the competition. This innovative approach to hooklength storage offers unparalleled convenience and efficiency, solidifying its position as a superior choice among rig wallets, hooklength boxes, and rig cases available in the market.

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